VARIDESK® – Great Culture, Great Business

VARIDESK® – Great Culture, Great Business

The invitation came following our presentation to an audience hosted by the Dallas Business Journal in July.  “You are welcome to come and have a look at our showroom and offices”, said John Moyer, Vice President, Strategic Accounts. After touring British Columbia,...
What Makes a Connection?

What Makes a Connection?

Lunch time rush hour (or maybe 2 hours); those hunger feelings are just reaching up and tapping you on the should saying “hey, remember me?” People from all walks of life and work environments have streamed out into the common areas of the office tower in search of...
What Your Customer Wishes You Knew-Chapter 2

What Your Customer Wishes You Knew-Chapter 2

Recently, David and I had a terrific meeting with a prospective client. We talked about the fact that Natural Habits has its origins in a desire to see salespeople engage more effectively with clients and prospects. He rolled his eyes. He explained that he is...
What Your Customer Wishes You Knew-Chapter 1

What Your Customer Wishes You Knew-Chapter 1

When David and I first conceived the idea of Natural Habits, we were having a spirited discussion about the sales process overall. His perspective was from the seller side, and me, since my most recent experience is that of a professional buyer, from that side. This...